So it has been months and months since I posted but I am going to try to get better about. I will make a good faith effort to post once a week or so. So much has happened since the last time I posted its hard to know where to start so I decided to post some pictures of my journey along the way. Once I left Idaho I went home for a week or so and had 1 interview but mostly just relaxed and hung out with some friends. After that week of relaxation I had a week of hell here at school. We had what is called Early Interview Week (EIW) where you have a bunch of screening interviews with law firms from around the country over the space of 5 days. Most people had 30-40 interviews but I decided to only do 22 so mine wasn't as bad as some. After these screening interviews the firms will invite you to a 'call-back' for round two. If they still like you after that they will offer you a job for the summer.
I had call-backs in New York, Washington DC, Richmond Va, Charlotte, and Atlanta. I didn't actually make my DC call back because I slept through my alarm. I felt bad about that but I had already gotten the offers I wanted so it wasn't such a big deal. Still not a good thing to do. Anyway, after the offers came in I decided to spend the first 8 weeks of my summer with a firm called Paul Hastings in Atlanta and the other 6 weeks with a firm called Smith Moore in Greensboro. Im looking forward to both experiences. So will all of that traveling in September the month went by pretty fast and I missed a lot of class. Other than that nothing really happened. October has gone by with nothing really happening. A lot of reading, a lot of class. So that is a very brief synopsis of happenings up to this point. Hopefully I will stay on top of things and be more regular about posting.
I spent a weekend with Adam and his crew before flying out of SLC. This is Adam and Ethan Marcos representing their 'west-side' connections.
The day before I left Idaho Omar and Eric threw me a going away cookout. Eric's wife is on the far left, then Eric, then me, and then Omar. Eric and his wife bought me that shirt I am wearing which says "I 'heart' Potato Eaters". They had it custom made on that wonderful pink t-shirt. I wear it to class sometimes.
Mike's friend, Drew, from Stanford plays for the Ravens, well he is on injury reserve. Anyway, he invited us down for the weekend to watch Stanford play Navy and then to go to this Raven's game when the played the Colts. The seats were pretty sweet as you can see but the best part was parking in the players parking lot. Crazy stuff. I felt like I was cool walking out of that parking lot but it was clear that I was not a player (I guess I could be a kicker but thats about it).
This is the view from my room in NY if you look to the right out of the window. Pretty nice view of the Empire State building, looks pretty cool at night too when it is lit up.
This is a picture of Cade, Me, and Kelson just before I had an interview with Smith Moore in Greensboro. I will be working there for the last 6 weeks of the summer. Cade doesn't look very happy to be in this picture because he wasn't. He was mad at me.
Here are the roommates. Mike (on the right) is an unknown afro wearing guy. Samy is some sort of 80's rocker. Just in case you were wondering, that is a woman's blouse he is wearing...
Here is the full shot of my costume. Workin it, feelin flow...
This is another shot of my halloween costume. Not sure what it was, besides HOT! Haha
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