Thursday, July 21, 2005


Work was work (I'm starting to sound like Cheeto, that is sad). Nothing at all exciting happened. On Tuesday after work I went home, took a nap, ate dinner, chilled with my mom, and then went to bed. That was it. Seriously.

On Wednesday after work I went home, changed clothes, and headed to Blackfoot to visit my cousin Rich, his wife, and his kids. Lettie and I had been planning for a while to go see them because the live out in the middle of nowhere AND they have a bunch of horses so we wanted to go ride. Well Wednesday turned out to be the day. We got there around 5:45 and I rode 4-wheelers around with the kids until it was time to eat. After dinner we went out, saddled up the horses, and went ridin'. Rich hadn't been on the horses in a while so some of them weren't too excited about being ridden. The horse Lettie was riding kind of went crazy a couple of times but she seemed to handle it ok. I talked to her this morning and she said she was sore.

I left Blackfoot around 9:45 and came back to Pocatello. Omar has finally moved his stuff into the new house so I went over there for a little while to help him arrange his living room.


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