Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The TREE! I wanted to hang the stockings on the tree but they looked a little strange. So instead Haley made a star out of tin foil. Surprisingly it doesn't look too bad.
All the stockings in place
Marcos' stocking (design by Marcos)
Mike's stocking (design by Haley)

Samy's stocking (design by Haley)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Costume sans Marcos
Marcos with ridiculous facial hair, sans costume
Side view. You know, I never realized how skinny my neck is. It looks like I could snap it in half by just coughing too hard. No wonder I am such a weanie. I guess having a skinny neck is better than having no neck at all...
Put it all together and this is what you get. A grown man with ridiculous facial hair wearing an expensive halloween costume. AKA buzz lightyear.
Mike "da grillz" Okoye with Buzz lightyear
Samy, the rocker, and buzz lightyear

Fun was had by all this 'Fall Ball'. Even Matt Jackson joined the fun by wearing my outfit from last halloween. I didn't get any pictures of him in it but if I find some I will be sure to post them. Until next time my friends....

I am going to add pictures from the law school's halloween party, "fall ball", but this stupid website isn't letting me upload any pictures at the moment. Check back soon.

I decided to cook fajitas for my self one day and I was proud of the result so I took this picture to document my success. My dad should be proud.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I just want to say that I hate this website. The way you post pictures is dumb and that is why this picture is out of place. BUT it is our 'after' picture of the living room. Suggestions for wall decorations would be appreciated.

So in the past two weeks, I came back to school, found/furnished an apartment, and hosted Haley and Mom for the weekend. Here is a photo-journal of the events...

Mom looking like a serious tourist. She is at Liberty Island, with a bag from the gift shop, and a camera strapped to her shoulder. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Nola!
I am taking the wolfpack nation all over
Haley loves to put masks/helmets on her head so that I can take pictures.
Haley's attempt at being Ms. Liberty. The enthusiasm is really lacking.
Lettie called while we were walking around Liberty Island and so I tried to take this picture of the phone with her name on the screen so that she could see where I was when I talked to her. Yes, I know I'm a loser.
My two favorite tourists of the weekend. They look awfully excited about that audio tour.
You are about to see some after/before photos of the new apartment. I would have rather had them be before/after but blogger.com is dumb and they need to redo how you upload photos. By the way, this is my room after clean-up/furnishing but decorations are still to come.
This is the before photo of the bedroom.
This is the after photo of the kitchen/living room. Those see-through curtains you see in the background are from ikea, just in case you too wanted to spend $50 on curtains that accomplish absolutely nothing.
This is the before photo. Those folding chairs were our only furniture for a few days.

On the left (now at the top) is the after photo of the living room and on the right is before. Our TV and sound system was our only furniture for a while so we had slumber parties in the living room to watch movies and this particular shot is Samy still asleep at approx 3 pm.